Home » Makole Mupita SA (CA)
Makole Mupita CA (SA)
Co-Founder & Director of Black Energy Professionals Association
Fund Principal of Mahlako Energy Fund
Executive Director & Co-Founder of Mahlako A Phahla Group
She has led and been involved in landmark infrastructure deals that have shaped the South African infrastructure landscape. She has participated in the successful refinancing of various infrastructure projects as well executing notable Public Private Partnership transactions. Most recently, she steered the Mahlako team in a ground-breaking flagship energy wheeling project with Amazon Web Services – a first of its kind project outside of the REIPPP programme. Prior to Mahlako, Makole worked at the Old Mutual IDEAS Fund where she was Portfolio Manager of the Fund for 6 years. She served her articles at Investec Bank specialising in Private Equity. Makole is also the co-founder the Black Energy Professionals Association (BEPA).
345 Rivonia Road,
First Floor, North Wing
Rivonia, Sandton, 2191
Tel: +2711 706 3902
Fax: +27 (0) 86 508 4158
Email: info@bepa.org.za